Times Of Swaziland: Wanderers can believe! Wanderers can believe! ================================================================================ The editor on 04/08/2013 04:31:00 I have always thought that it was just a matter of time be fore Zwelonke Sport’ Dlamini’s relationship with the Premier League of Swaziland (PLS) hit rock bottom. To me, the relationship was just an accident waiting to happen. It was a ticking time bomb. Well it finally exploded this week. The two parties have parted ways albeit controversially and I am the least surprised. I will however, reserve my comments. I will instead address Manzini Wanderers, one of my favourite clubs in the big league. I must admit that for the first time in a long while Wanderers strike me as a team eager to reclaim its seat in football’s big table. The sweeping changes on and off the field look promising and yes for the first time in years Wanderers have stirred something in me. It could be just a matter of time before the hub giants relive their glory days. It may not be now or even the next season but the hub giants have at least done something towards rebuilding what had become a crumbled empire. Wanderers, no doubt one of the most successful and oldest sides in the big league has been going through a lean spell. For years, the team’ supporters have had to endure the pain of seeing their idols finish each season empty handed. Perhaps it has been the reason most of the times they have reacted like acid whenever results inside the field of play have not gone their way. Tradition not just at Wanderers but in the local football fraternity dictates that the team should be up there with the rest of the big-guns, the league’s challengers. Over the years, the standards and expectations at the maroon and white outfit dropped to alarming proportions. Mediocrity was rewarded and for an instant last week Sunday’s frenzied celebrations at the Somhlolo National Stadium following striker Sidumo Shongwe’s last gasp equaliser, reminded all of the glory years when such celebrations were because Michael ‘Scara’ Gama, Kina ‘Electric Man’ Phiri, Joseph ‘Land cruiser’ Mahlalela, Thobile ‘Sche-mer’ Thwala, Nyanga ‘Crooks’ Hlophe, Stan ‘Roadblock’ Nxumalo and others would all have taken turns lifting a trophy and displaying it to the supporters. It was later on during the last era of the team’s golden generation when the likes of Dennis ‘Yuki’ Masina, John ‘Shisa Junior’ Mdluli, Maxwell ‘Dunga’ Zikalala, Jerry ‘Mbazo’ Gamedze and others brought joy to the ‘Weslians’ faithful. I am saying the new Wanderers leadership headed by Mduduzi ‘Tsotsi’ Mabila deserves to be given a fair chance to try and turn the fortunes of the team around. Mabila and his team should not be put under unnecessary pressure – like the throwing of beer cans and missiles into the stadium by the very same supporters who claim to love this team. Wanderers have gone out of their way to bring former Malanti Chiefs’ South African coach Kenny Ndlazi on board. It was certainly not easy for Mabila and co to convince him judging by the negativity that enveloped the team for the better part of the last season. Stories of the team failing to pay the players who would resort to strike were soon a common item in the media. It is great to note that within a few months of his arrival in the hot seat, Mabila has managed to shed the tag off and attracted to the team one of the most reputable strategists around. The team’s new management is evidently still doing its best to beef up the playing squad as well. The return of Sandile ‘Nkomishi’ Ginindza from Sivutsa Stars should at least give them a base. Ndlazi too needs to be given enough time to mould Wanderers into a formidable unit once more for indeed the shrewd strategist is no magician. I say Wanderers have a reason to believe. The burning ambition to do well is back and they could be amongst the serious challengers in the league. To some of the team’s supporters, who always resort to violence after each defeat – please do everyone a favour by going to jump into the nearest pond. This team can surely prosper without the wild scenes that were witnessed during the game against Royal Leopard on Thursday. Can I get an Amen Maweseli!