Times Of Swaziland: Leopard stars dance the night away Ka-Lohheya Leopard stars dance the night away Ka-Lohheya ================================================================================ BY Shwashwaza on 31/08/2013 03:33:00 Libuyisele… lapho ilithethe khona… libuyisele… libuyisele lapho ilithethe khona… reverberated the loud speaker to the song ye-Mafikizolo at Ka-Lohheya bar the other week after the SwaziTelecom Charity Cup presentation and Gazi you would have sworn it was the end of year party for Ingwe Ma-balabala as the known three party animals danced like nobody was watching. It’s unusual of us kutsi sivele singene endzabeni Gazi… maybe it’s because umgodlagodla wetu is so full of all the juicy goodies… ngisho naletibuya khona le-Taiwan where Umlangeni had a nasty experience. We will get to that later. Kwanyalo lets just start by thanking simomo-ndiya saseBhawini, sichomokati… sisho Sis Gert, Gert for a wonderful article last week. Phela when she is around and does lespani sakhe seku attend ema football functions, we get a chance nanatsi kushaywa ngu-moya. Siyahamba siye lema shebeen and get ourselves drunk ngalama quarts Gazi sihlale tukwema-crates bese siyabushaya. Cha uyedzelela Sisi Gertrude impela. Siyabonga beautiful. We shall see you in the next prize presentation ye-SwaziTelecom Trade Fair Cup, which was launched on Thursday with a sponsorship package of E900 000. Ya, Swazi football under the PLS leadership yabo-Maradona is growing in leaps and bounds. It was a breath of fresh air news phela in a week which has been miserable for some of our crew members whose constituency is Lobamba Lomdzala. Phela their former MP Marwick Khumalo was arrested this week and at the rate things are going ngatsi he is going to spend ‘Days & Weeks’ in jail. Hawu la Days shem… ca sibu-hlungu vele. Enough about politics Gazi, asichubeke with lendzaba yetfu besiyicalile. Phela the Leopard’s stars led by you-know-who, lotihla-lela lapha ka-Lohheya vele… had a time of their lives Gazi. One can after the other, Castle Lite ne Hansa was just flowing like an irrigation canal. You would have thought they had already got their bonuses phela kantsi cha there have not got them yet. Seeing kutsi they were in a party mood babese benyu-kela ngenhla le Pub what…what where they thou-ght they could catch a few young ones. Indeed Gazi they managed to waylay two of sphagetti-spined ladies ngatsi tilwane tale-Sitjeni. We know them phela tsine Gazi… because sihle sihlala lema shebeen. After buying the ladies two rounds of Hunter’s Dry, the two players, like true Leopard who attack in pairs, thought they could coerce the ladies kutsi kuyiwe lenkambu kantsi abakabuti elangeni kungasiyo yona indzawo yakhona leka Lobamba ekasi letfu. Niyasicaphata nine…nicabanga kutsi lo two wema-Hunters Dry utawenta nine bese niyasifasa… asisibo bekudlala ke tsine,” said one of the ladies while puffing a cigarette. The Leopard stars disappeared from the table immediately. We guess, you win some and lose some. Hardy luck boys. Phela DJ Oskido was not lying when he belted the tune kutsi intombi zishelwa ngemali…..asiye sandal ekhukhwini majaha! Gwagwagwagwagwagwagwaa!