Times Of Swaziland: EX-SWAZI INTERNATIONAL FINDS LOVE AT LAST! EX-SWAZI INTERNATIONAL FINDS LOVE AT LAST! ================================================================================ BY SHWASHWAZA on 15/03/2014 05:11:00 Y-Tjukutja... Y-Tjukutja... Y-Tjukuja... Wadlala u-chief... Sangena Gazi... singena with a song that is still topping the charts... sisho yona leye-Uhuru... It’s another weekend Gazi and a busy one for that matter. Phela the Intervarsity Games have come and gone with little fanfare and we even wondered kutsi what’s wrong with the games because phela in yesteryears it used to pack the non-students such that even our members used to go there and have a lots of fun with the Basotho and Batswana. Bebafike baba-rata muna. Hahahahahahaha... This time Gazi it’s been quiet nje and the games lacked the spark vele. But ke life goes on Gazi and for us, this weekend phela it’s the SwaziBank Cup quarter-finals and the team PROs have already said their wishes but we all know talk is cheap, what is important is what happens on the field of play. Kulula Gazi kuba ngu-PRO uhlulekisa lomlingani wakho ngemagama even if you cannot kick a ball to save your life! Labanye ngatsi lebhola bayifihle lasiswini sabo nje. Gwagwagwagwa... and then of course all eyes will be on the biggest derby in Africa today – the Soweto derby where the mighty Kaizer Chiefs lock horns with Pie-rates. Sitatiteka later leto te-derby. Gazi, we have a happy story to tell today. Phela our former Swazi international – and sometimes we are confused whether to say former or current Swazi international – is set to walk down the aisle again. He is madly in love with his sweetheart. The two Gazi even looked like Beyonce and J-zee during the December holidays in Brema where they danced the night away. Gazi our sources in Mzansi tell us plans are already underway for the couple to walk down aisle this year. Gazi, tsine we are happy that nje our soccer star is in good hands after the heart-ache of the previous marriage which ended on a sour note, splashed all over the South African media. Tsine we are happy to see our star happy again. We were concerned when we saw how shattered he was previous by the way the last relationships ended. That’s why we are happy to hear he is ready to walk down the aisle again. This time we will attend the wedding, invited or not because uyazi mosi, we have a way of gate-crashing bese sifike sijaiva ngatsi simenyiwe. We will be there nomakanjani. Love is a peculiar thing and we are happy that our star is ‘drunk in love’ again... Yeeepppeee...