Times Of Swaziland: AMERICANS HATE DEMOCRACY AMERICANS HATE DEMOCRACY ================================================================================ The Editor on 13/02/2017 07:16:00 Sir, For some time I was of the view that Americans no longer believe in democracy because hardly a year after going to the polls they would start complaining that their country is going in the wrong direction. For example, during the Clinton administration, they were complaining that their country was going to the wrong direction, so as result they elected George Bush, a Republican. It was not long before they started to complain also that under the Bush administration, their country was going in the wrong direction. When the election came, they voted for Barack Obama, a Democrat who during his campaigns promised change with his ‘Yes, We Can’ mantra. The change that Mr Obama promised did not come but instead wars and deception, especially with the Iran nuclear deal, not to mention the holocaust against the unborn. The Americans began to complain again that their country was going in the wrong direction under the Obama administration and, as a result, they voted in more Republican Congress men into the White House because they were very displeased with Mr Obama’s government. But it is the year’s election of Mr Donald Trump that has convinced me that the American people no longer believe in democracy. Actually, their reaction to the election of Mr Trump shows that they now hate this thing called democracy because it keeps giving them the wrong man to lead the nation. When George W. Bush was elected, there were many protests against his winning the race to the White House so much that one African leader offered to send his troops to keep peace in America because it was clear that emotions were boiling high enough to burst into a civil war. Democracy had delivered the wrong man to the American voter than the one they preferred, which was Al Gore. This time, things have gone even far worse. Defying all polls and election pundits, Mr Donald Trump went on to win much against the expectations of many, including some Nigerian prophets who had predicted Hillary Clinton’s victory. This was too much for many Americans. They couldn’t it take any longer; democracy keeps giving them the wrong man to lead the nation. They took to the streets to voice their displeasure with how democracy has let down again by giving them the man they did not like. I heard somewhere that some voters were so shocked and crossed that they asked for some days off in order to get time to cry about what had befallen them. Democracy keeps giving them the wrong man to lead their country. So angry with democracy that some openly rejected the results and took to tweeter with the hashtag #heisnotmypresident. Americans are fed up with the thing called democracy. It tends to give them the wrong president every after polls. I myself would have abstained in order to save myself from stress because democracy can no longer be trusted. It has betrayed many. Their hatred for it is therefore justified. BB Nkosi