Times Of Swaziland: SLAP ON THE WRIST? SLAP ON THE WRIST? ================================================================================ The Editor on 05/04/2017 22:35:00 Sir, The sad tale of the pitch invading dog shows why 2022 is really nowhere in sight. If behavior such as that of the men handling that poor creature in front of the whole stadium can be allowed to go on, how will this nation ever be considered even approaching a First World status? Firstly, this happened on Sunday and it presumably happened in front of the police on duty. With everyone watching this abomination take place, one can only assume that the police also watched and allowed this disgusting behavior to take place and it is only now that they have stepped up to say the villains will be taken to task. Why did they not nab this motley crew immediately? They are now saying it is a serious crime yet they did nothing while it occurred. Thankfully, someone, somehow obviously made sure that the police are aware this was a hideous crime and those responsible should be prosecuted to the ‘full extent’ of the law. Human beings should not behave like this if we are to be accredited with a ‘First World’ status. Secondly, this crime is not petty and the published photos show a level of inhumane behavior that warrants a serious punishment. Fair enough, six months in jail might be construed a suitable sentence but an option to pay E200 is a complete farce. Why not force these men to face some tough community service with no option on a ‘peanuts’ fine or at least give a punishment commensurate to these awful actions? This sentence carries the same weight or leniency if you like as the drink-driving sentencing – none at all! For certain folks drink – driving is their norm. The odd appearance in court is like a stone in one’s shoe, just a temporary, slight discomfort. They have no fear of the fines, they are manageable and 99 per cent of offenders feel barely a pinch when the wrath of the law should be far more feared and respected. The published pictures made me feel sick to the core and I am mystified as to how such barbarism can be totally ignored first off and when finally dealt with no more than a ‘slap on the wrist’? IsThisOurModernWorld.com