Times Of Swaziland: MEN WERE NEVER FIT TO LEAD MEN WERE NEVER FIT TO LEAD ================================================================================ The Editor on 27/06/2017 09:40:00 Sir, I have been running away from the print media not because I had nothing to say but my dissatisfaction was growing every day on how the media has reported gender-based violence incidents. As women in the country we have been looking forward to the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Bill to be passed into law but it will be impossible to pass it into law if we have parliamentarians who think in a demeaning manner about women in the country. If policy makers think out loud hate speech in public, you then ask, are we safe. What kind of parliamentarians can be using strong language which aims to demolish women? Women are not sex objects and they will never be. We have a right to choose our sex partners and our drinking partners. What kind of men would want to have sex with a drunken woman, why are they mixing sex with alcohol? Have they not heard about consenting between two adults before sex? Members of Parliament have failed the nation and as women in the country we delivered chairs to help them speed up the electing of four women into Parliament but that has not happened. To all Swazis who love peace, it’s time we build the Swaziland we want, the Swaziland where people are serving. It’s time as women we vote with a heart than our stomachs. It’s time to show the current MPs that we still have power and we can vote for change. If we vote together we can direct every result of any elections happening in the country. It’s time we question and sell our own agenda, let’s start building and crafting our own 2022 before these unfit to lead MPs start designing it for us. Intfombi Yesigodzi