Times Of Swaziland: LET COMMON SENSE PREVAIL LET COMMON SENSE PREVAIL ================================================================================ The Editor on 25/07/2017 03:37:00 Sir, Thank you for allowing me space in your widely read newspaper to voice out my concern. I normally use the Mbabane-Manzini Freeway route almost on a daily basis. Many people will concur with me that there are parts along the highway, especially near overhead bridges, that are always crowded with pupils from nearby schools almost every morning and afternoons. In most instances you find that the police officers manning the highway do not allow public transport drivers to drop pupils near those bridges for them to be able to get to their respective schools on time. My main concern is why do the police not allow the kombi drivers to drop off the pupils near the overhead bridges so that they can be in a position to utilise them to get to the other side and arrive on time at their various schools. This situation is especially worse for pupils from Elangeni Primary School. They should allow the drivers to drop off the pupils under the bridge because it will be quicker for them to get to school. I may not know how the police do their thinking but according to me, that kind of thinking is against common sense! Control What if the driver of a car loses control of the vehicle while the pupils are on the road and plunges into them? That would be unfortunate and they would then realise that they could have avoided that by allowing the kombis to drop the pupils under that bridge where they would be immediately away from the road. Another alternative would be for the police to just make sure that when the pupils alight at the primary station they just cross to the school immediately. M L Worried