Times Of Swaziland: WHERE WAS THE EBC? WHERE WAS THE EBC? ================================================================================ The Editor on 19/09/2017 03:31:00 Sir, Let me first thank you for allowing me space in you widely read newspaper to express my disappointment at the Elections and Boundaries Commission, in particular their project of teaching the electorate how to elect constituency officers come 2018. Even though I have my reservations but I would love to thank our government for coming up with this critical initiative to teach people in the kingdom and to further explain to them about the importance of the coming elections. As I have mentioned that this is a good initiative but I am disillusioned by the timing of the Elections and Boundaries Commission to carry out this project. A majority of people in the country have been complaining, numerous times; to the EBC that politicians are in office for five years but once the elections are over, the commission takes too long to teach us. What were they doing all along for them to suddenly decide to visit constituencies in an effort to engage people on the coming 2018 elections? The timing is wrong that is why they won’t have enough time to teach people properly but they will only highlight issues like how to elect a person who is above 18 years who has no criminal record. I am afraid there will not be enough time for them to carry out this project successfully. Swazis are still not in a good position to elect wisely except for a few. A huge percentage of Swazis elect people on the basis that they would assist them with their problems and challenges once elected. We are not educated enough on elections because people are voting for individuals who are feeding them instead of voting for people who will bring change and the much needed development. That will result in people electing people who will not deliver but who will be after enriching themselves at the expense of impoverished Swazis out there. Makhosonkhe Shongwe