Times Of Swaziland: GOVT NOT HONEST IN SCU ISSUE GOVT NOT HONEST IN SCU ISSUE ================================================================================ The Editor on 25/10/2017 08:49:00 I would love to thank media houses for retaining their neutrality in the critical issue of the closure of our university and further giving us a platform to voice out how we as SCU students feel. Tears have dried up and hope is slowly dying as the future we were once proud of now looks uncertain following the closure of the university. We are left with more questions than answers on not only the so called temporary suspension of operations but also the manner our ministers have handled the issue. As much as our university may not have been favoured by government, hence the underfunding, forcing it to operate under a strict budget, we are competent. We have complied with the education regulatory bodies of the country and we have undergone vigorous theory and practical training. We have spent enough time in class and in practical settings in various hospitals in the country. How can one judge the qualification of a student by merely examining classrooms? Is SHEC even qualified to carry out this process on medical students? What are their qualifications? We feel like the ministers of Labour and Education have shown recklessness when handling our matter. They have shown deficiencies in problem solving skills which should be an integral trait for a head of a government ministry. We do not see the necessity of being kicked out of class and shutting down operations just to make way for paperwork and discussions to be done between the two parties. We do not understand how our learning could bring their negotiations to a standstill. We would also love to urge the minister of Labour and Social Security to focus on her portfolio more as she is busy spreading inaccurate information in a case outside her jurisdiction while students and employees are at her door complaining about poor working conditions and low allowances. We also feel like the minister needs to know what, when and how to speak to the media as she fed the nation false information about our competence as well as the lecturers’ qualifications. Our government lacked honesty when handling this issue, hence it ended up spreading lies just to sensitise the matter and turn us, our parents and other stakeholders against our management and founder. The quality of education in our university is not poor, it is better when compared to certain institutions and this raises the question of why government has so much hate for our university? We would love government to take of the gloves and be honest to the nation that the main issue behind this misunderstanding is ownership without dragging our names in the mud. If government is honestly concerned about our learning conditions, why close the university instead of assisting it to operate well? Why is it stopping management from talking to the media? I guess there is way more than just learning discrepancies. We want to go back to class; this is unbearable for us now. We want to learn and graduate so we can be able to help improve our country for our friends and families. We know and understand that our education and qualifications do not mean much to you as you treat yourselves and families in sophisticated hospitals around the world. Do not destroy the little hope our parents and neighbours had for us. Government has failed us by placing us in the SCU ship, fuelling it and after we have invested everything it then opts to destroy it.