Times Of Swaziland: I AM NOT SURPRISED I AM NOT SURPRISED ================================================================================ The Editor on 16/11/2017 08:25:00 The headlines on Monday, November 13, 2017 were about two boys being arrested for murder. I must state that I was not surprised. I had occasion to be doing the last bit of my jog on the same day when I noted that the gate to Ngwane Park Primary School was closed as assembly had started. Numerous children stood at the gate. As I know it is common for them to be beaten as I have witnessed teachers standing at the gate with canes, I decided I would remain with the children to shield them from getting a hiding. When the teachers approached one of them he was a bully and an angry man. I cringed at not only his negative energy but at the thought that he could be so venomous in his speech, approach and attitude. Children copy what we do; they do not do what we say. All children are sponges and absorb everything, in this instance the negativity, bullying, anger and hatred. As all children in our schools are victims of such teachers I endeavoured to get in touch with the Ministry of Education without any success. All their numbers rang unanswered. Upon calling the Regional Education Officer Zodwa, she informed me that they did not have an email address. How can anyone in 2017 not have an email address? I wondered how we are going to realise the 2022 vision at this rate. The minute people feel threatened, when they should not be, they attack, instead of realising that not everybody has their insecurity and anger. The 2022 vision is not only about infrastructure, it is about a different mindset. With these sorts of teachers five years is just too short a period to change the current mindset. These teachers need counselling! They should not be handling our most treasured possessions. In my humble opinion these two boys who have been arrested for murder have merely perfected all the negativity that has been meted on them by their teachers, parents and the community at large. I do not blame the boys or any child who kills, beats, bullies or hurts others, they are merely dishing out what they have been subjected to and have been taught. What are those in charge of Education in our country doing about this? This incident reminded me of when I was a deputy sheriff. It was always the teachers who owed everything including loan sharks. I was constantly garnisheeing their salaries for non payment of their debt. Unhappy and angry people will not have money flow into their lives for they are out of the flow. With their behaviour of hitting children to relieve themselves of their frustrations, they cause monetary droughts in their lives. I wonder what happened to the law that stated that no civil servant should have a judgement against them. Why is this law not being enforced? How can we employ people to teach our children who do not live within their means? I just thought I should enlighten you on why I no longer find anything done by the youth a shock. They are masters of perfecting that which they see, feel and have been subjected to. In First World countries this behaviour is just unacceptable!