Times Of Swaziland: FALSE PROPHETS DENTING IMAGE OF CHRISTIANITY FALSE PROPHETS DENTING IMAGE OF CHRISTIANITY ================================================================================ The Editor on 15/01/2018 05:37:00 Sir, Black people are the least successful people in the world. According to research, in the USA white people are five times richer than black people. In the UK alone, half of young black males are unemployed. In Africa, poverty is the continent’s middle name. Yes, white people and racism can be blamed here and there for the suffering of black people, but the truth is most of the suffering is self-inflicted. Black people refuse to think for themselves. One of the greatest gifts God gave mankind is the ability to think critically but sadly, black people refuse to do this, always needing a ‘man of God’ to think for them. Donald Trump is reported to have said black people are lazy, I think what he meant was that black people are cognitively lazy. It’s not a racist statement, it’s brutal truth. Being the poorest people in the world, yet the most religious, believing that God should somehow miraculously bless them with wealth by going to church and yet they will always remain in poverty. Not long ago I was also part of the black circus of religion. Being in a black Pentecostal church made me completely retarded as I was no longer able to use my God-given mind to think for myself. I entered the church building with money and left it there thinking that would give me a breakthrough. Today I watch in sadness as millions of my black brothers and sisters abandon their minds in the name of church/God. As we were entering into the New Year, black people flocked churches for all-night-services dubbed crossovers; leaving churches in the early hours of the morning on New Year’s day. Most of these crossover services have nothing to do with the salvation of soul or seeking the face of God but rather claiming financial breakthroughs and miracles. The black pastors, spiritual fathers and ‘prophets’ made the most of New Year’s Eve. For them, New Year is a time to make more millions as they tell their gullible followers to sow seeds so that they will be blessed in 2018. They told single women that they would get married in 2017. People were promised big breakthroughs, cars, houses, businesses, promotions etc. Everyone were so hyped up at these freaky crossover services. Now the sad thing is these gullible followers were promised the very same thing the previous year. They were also told that 2016 was their year but at the end of the year 2016, they were told exactly the same as they were the previous year, and the year after. No breakthroughs! No miracles! But they still went again to this New Year’s Eve for some fresh ‘anointing’. Is this not some mental illness? Until black people are able to think for themselves, work hard, identify opportunities, take a risk in entering into new areas, they will continue to be impoverished. Unknown