Times Of Swaziland: PARENTS ARE TO BLAME PARENTS ARE TO BLAME ================================================================================ The Editor on 18/07/2018 02:42:00 Sir, I have been to almost all the regions of the country and I have never left without hearing elders saying; ‘Children of today,’ or ‘Today’s generation.’ I look at them in disbelief accompanied by anger; like seriously us children! We all know that our elders believe that today’s generation will not be able to handle the nation in years to come. They are actually saying we are destroying the nation with our behavior. This also includes the way we dress and the things we like. I agree that we often do things our way but I do not think we, youngsters, are to be entirely blamed for some of the problems engulfing the country. We have women who dress like teenagers; so we teenagers have no choice but to dress like women in their 20s, logically it is expected that the girl-child should go to school, university and then get married. The same applies for the boy-child. But no, all that is being destroyed slowly but surely. We almost always watch our parents fight and this makes us less motivated to get married. Our fathers ill-treat our mothers yet they expect us to grow up and get married. We learn from them how men are and most of us tend to grow and live a celibate life and some end up sleeping around with married men. If both spouses can be good to one another, we, the future of this nation, will learn from that and teach our own children the right way. We are not the only ones at fault but also our mothers. They sneak out of their houses at night as their children watch and then expect us girls to grow up and be good while we see them changing before us. What are you teaching us girls? We will most definitely not be good to our husbands. We will not be loyal to them because we would be of the belief that what you are doing is the right way to behave. Boys also learn to be bad husbands from their fathers. All this is because of you; our parents. Our parents tend to focus on our negatives and forget to look at the impact they might have had on those negatives. There is a saying; ‘A dog cannot give birth to a snake’; so where do we get all this bad behavior? It is from you our elders. You drink all over the place and do all sorts of other bad things but when you retire, you say ‘children of today’ forgetting that we learnt all this from you. The best way to solve this is for you to stop the bad behavior now. We need to stand together and strive for a better nation so that when you die you know that the nation will survive and give birth to good leaders. N Gina