Times Of Swaziland: WE NEED OUR LAND BACK BUT… WE NEED OUR LAND BACK BUT… ================================================================================ The Editor on 12/08/2018 11:10:00 Sir, Those of you who read my articles or letters to the editor will attest to it that I have always said that we need our land back. In as much as we are dismally failing to manage the little Kingdom of Eswatini, but we need our land that was taken by the Afrikaners decades back. Without compensation Our forefathers died for that land especially my grandfather Prince Sanduza, a brother to King Mahlokohla. History tells us that his blood was literally shed by the Boers for land. One has to mention that there is a lot of rot involved in this land saga. The FF+ is hunting with the hounds and running with the hare. Why did it take them so long to realise that this land belongs to us? Should it have not been for Julius Malema with his grab a land without compensation, would they have acknowledged that this land is ours? Thanks to Julius for his grab a land without compensation saga. As I see it, the FF+ is setting us up with the ruling ANC and I foresee a situation where tribalism will rear its ugly head and a nasty violence shall ensue - it’s very imminent. The Zulus will want their land back, the Pedis, the Vendas, the Sothos and all other ethnic groups will want their land back. Then ask yourself what will be left of South Africa? Anyway it’s not our fault as emaSwati and the fact is we need our land back. Period! Now the mega question that begs an answer is: “Will the ANC ruling government forgo all the mines, plantations, cities, power stations to us as a country? Will they give us the entire infrastructure? diverse nationalities That’s the first question I have in my mind though it’s not our baby to nurse because they were not supposed to take the land in the first place. My second and final question is: Will the people agree to be integrated into Eswatini, bearing in mind that they are from diverse nationalities? Will the elderly agree to get E400 per month? Will the youth agree not to get anything for their out of wedlock children? Will the people agree that they now will have no RDP houses? Will the people agree to pay allegiance to the corrupt chiefs? And will they respect our Majesties? Remember we can’t make their lives worse off. In as much as we need the land back, it’s not yet time to pop the champagne bottle because there are a lot of complications that will arise therein.