Times Of Swaziland: IT’S BUSINESS AS USUAL AT ACC IT’S BUSINESS AS USUAL AT ACC ================================================================================ The Editor on 11/11/2018 05:03:00 Sir, As usual and as expected, it comes as no surprise that at the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) its business as usual, and the condoning of corruption under the pretext that it has not been officially reported to the office, so nothing can be done thus making guilty culprits roam free and cause more crimes. My letter for today is directed to the glaring allegations of corrupt acts which were performed by our legislators through acts of bribery. existence As expected, we knew that since corruption is condoned in the country, nothing would happen and nothing will happen even in future, so to me, the existence of the ACC is a financial drain to the country. Why do we have it at all if it condones corruption? As Babe Majozi while wielding power as Finance Minister said that the country loses about E80 million per month to corruption; did the ACC do anything about the allegations by then minister? Nothing at all, it was business as usual. If the said amount is calculated over a period of a year, how much is the country losing? How many people would that amount reportedly being lost through corruption, benefit? So to me it sounds as a fattening ranch more than a proactive body to curb corruption. Look at how one lady was bold enough to come out publicly and say how much she has been swindled by the current legislatures but obviously nothing will happen. Guys this system is really a mockery. We have a good system of government which is Tinkhundla, but it is driven by wrong people. Corruption has been institutionalised and very much awarded. People have even got the audacity to report lies to our leaders and get away with murder. audacity How many cases have ever seen the light of day? If there are more than five high profile cases of corruption, I can bet with my only son ‘Sicubhosengwenya’ . I am most disturbed by the laxity at ACC. But then I understood because it was not headed by liSwati so it didn’t matter to him that corruption is killing the country, and we are losing millions out of that. Now I understand that a liSwati has been made head of AC; maybe we shall see a great change. It’s just a thought though because as said before that corruption is not an issue in our country. May I, at this juncture request that the minister of Justice and constitutional Affairs make a shake up at ACC then maybe we shall see a change as we head to 2022. enormous What would be of this country if we reach 2022 with corrupt legislators, corrupt government officials, corrupt civil servants, corrupt private sector employees? I am just worried that in 2022, we shall have a fully fledged country which has fully fledged corrupt laws. Now I request that the act of turning a blind eye to corruption must end straight away. We know that in our country hard core criminals are given a title of business man and worse still are that people have amassed enormous wealth through corruption but nothing is done. Minister Princess Sikhanyiso explained this thing so well at Sibaya and even the simple minded person understood her. Away with corruption in this country! What will it benefit us to amass riches through corruption, but lose our eternity? My last appeal is that “ACC wake up from your sleep and do your job.” By Khokhumncadvo Dlamini Ka-Zondwako (Ebutsini) 76481668