Times Of Swaziland: THIS IS SOCIETY’S PROBLEM THIS IS SOCIETY’S PROBLEM ================================================================================ The Editor on 16/11/2018 01:02:00 Sir, Everyone has an opinion on teenage pregnancy and it’s been discussed so passionately that there is absolutely nothing we can add right? Not so true. This is a revolving topic, one which society will always have whether the direction taken is positive or negative. So as members of communities and neighbours to each other, it is our problem. And no, I do not mean that you should harass that teenage mother you see walking up the street or that young father. Such situations begin at home and government cannot be blamed for not doing enough. We live in an age where sexual tension is elevated by the media, magazines and the internet. Children and youngsters are more exposed to such than ever before in this technological era. People should try not to bring a child into this world if they are not prepared to care for it. Incidents of rape are special cases but for those who have a choice, abstinence will not kill, but if that is just too much for you then use protection. Protection However, you must be aware that protection is not indestructible; it can be damaged. Yes, it’s been done and said before but reminders are not harmful. Abusive parents can be born from such experiences, being forced to care for what you never planned for. Family planning is always wiser. For those already with child, give your child the best, he/she deserves nothing less than your love and care. Young fathers, do not abandon your duties, young mothers; instil in those children the values and principles they require to have the choice of becoming respectable sons and daughters of society, do not let them feel as though it was their fault they were born. Do not neglect the wisdom of those who are experienced in this field and those willing to share worthy advice. Our duty is to never judge, it is not our place nor are we better. We are all human, some people make mistakes, but we can support, prevent a mistake from occurring repeatedly when we can. How you face a mistake determines your character. Bongani Jele