Times Of Swaziland: A FESTI-SAFE SEASON A FESTI-SAFE SEASON ================================================================================ Editor on 19/12/2018 07:49:00 Sir, December 16 signalled the commencement of the long awaited festive season. Some call it the season of giving, and I call it the season of family reunions and enjoyment. Some people spend most part of the year away from their families due to different commitments. The festive season lasts for only a few days for some, and a few weeks for others, and those few moments shared with loved ones are priceless. Such family or friendship reunions are always accompanied by diverse celebrations which bring moments of great joy. These may be in the form of parties, braais, get-togethers and picnics. It is time for everyone to realise the importance of family and friendship. It’s an ideal phase to reflect on year-long experiences and challenges, and an opportunity to plan and make resolutions for the upcoming year. However, as we all delight, it is everyone’s duty to be cautious in everything we engage ourselves in. Safety and security should be glued to our minds. This should start in the way we use our finances, roads and behaving in celebrations. We should be careful when we withdraw money from ATMs, and how we keep and spend it. Budgeting is always important; it limits us from unnecessary spending and helps us save money for more important things in the near future. As the festive season passes, and we approach the New Year; parents will have to buy their children uniforms and other school necessities. In the past few years we have seen a fluctuation in the number of road accidents and deaths during this time of the year. It always bothers me since the main causes of such accidents are reckless drivers. Road users and drivers should always be aware that when they misuse roads and ignore safety rules, they put their lives and that of others at great risk. Drink-driving should stop. Those who like partying, especially at night, should find sober drivers. People should start thinking about their safety and those of others. Let us not allow such avoidable occurrences take the lives of our families and friends, and ruin our season of exaltation.