Times Of Swaziland: WHAT HAPPENED TO US? WHAT HAPPENED TO US? ================================================================================ Editor on 20/12/2018 08:07:00 Sir, When growing up, which is not so long ago, I knew Eswatini to be a country of peace, with loving and respectful citizens. Our flag has the colour blue that represents peace and stability. I have not witnessed, nor heard of any talks of civil war in this beautiful kingdom in my 20 something years. None of the people in my generation, or the one before, and even the one before that can say they have witnessed Eswatini in any battle. These claims have always been true in the past few years, but lately they are nothing more than just a distant dream. Every day there are increasingly gruesome reports of how woman after woman is violated, slaughtered and murdered brutally and mercilessly. We have viciously turned against each other; cruelty and homicide are the order of the day. It is saddening, appalling and terrifying to watch young girls and women die every day as a result of the cruelty of men, and the sometimes a faulty justice system only makes it worse. Reading the dreadful way in which victims of relationship murders die, one cannot help but wonder, is this not war? Is the peace we have always been bragging about still presiding? What could possibly possess someone to kill another human being, and in a painful manner? We simply cannot deny the fact that it has never been safe to be a woman in this world, because you can be attacked by someone anytime, anywhere. But to be targeted by the one person who, just the day before, would have given you the world on a silver platter, is just unthinkable. We now live in a country where national funds are misused (no, stolen) and no one ever hears how and if they are ever brought back. We live with pastors, men of the cloth who are brought in for driving under the influence, rape and corruption. The very people who are supposed to be our moral compass are making the unquestioning, obedient people eat grass, drink petrol and use their small pay-cheque to buy them luxury cars, phones and gifts. We now live in a country where the gospel of God is for sale, where adultery is now the ‘in thing’. Our own leaders look the other way and leave us to be scavenged and hunted by our own fellow countrymen. There is absolutely no one to turn to. Whatever happened to us? Where did it go wrong?