Times Of Swaziland: GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN ================================================================================ The Editor on 05/09/2019 01:07:00 Sir, ‘The good are often buried with their bones’, which means that good deeds often go unheralded, or even when noticed, they fade away from people’s memories. It’s a means of observing that good people are many but what they have done for the world often vanishes. Yet those who have committed diabolic deeds tend to be remembered for them. I simply refuse to forget about my cousin who died horrendously in a car crash. That’s the reason I decided to write this tribute to him. His charming ways and smiling face are a pleasure to recall. He had a kind word for each and died beloved by all. Suffered He suffered patiently and long. His hopes were bright, his faith was strong as the peace of Jesus filled his breast and in His arms he sank to rest. His weary hours and days of pain, his troubled nights are past and in our aching hearts we know that he has found sweet peace at last. Rites The sun has set for him; he wants no rites in a gloom-filled room. Why continue crying for a soul set free? For this is a journey that we must take and each must go alone, it’s all a part of the master’s plan. It was the shocking news that brought tears to our eyes and make us remember what it was like to cry. On that dreadful day God decided it was his time to go, so He took him away from us. He got into that car thinking nothing at all but what happened shocked him. Death do not be proud, you came and sat among us. It was a festive season when he shouted so loud, when it was joy to the world but sorrow to us. As cunning as a fox you mingled with our happiness and multiple times we tried to plead with you to please spare his soul. In broken voices we cried to you and our tears were a song you danced to and enjoyed the melody of our sorrows. Slowly, coldly and surely you took him away! Death do not be proud! Thoughts I know that now you are in a better place; a place without worries, hatred, fear, struggles, hardships or wicked thoughts of mankind. You were not afraid to face the devil, so go rest high cousin; your work on earth is done. Go to heaven and shout the love of the father and the son. Rest in eternal peace! Goodman Maziya