Times Of Swaziland: BIGOTRY IN OUR SOCIETY BIGOTRY IN OUR SOCIETY ================================================================================ The Editor on 05/11/2019 01:42:00 Sir, It would have been nice to live in a world where the term equality really meant equality, where people say something and actually stick to what they preach, where promises are made and never broken, where feminists can be listened to and be triumphant in their struggle for women’s rights and where we can be objective in life in many ways. Our society is not as fair and just as anyone would wish it to be. It is plagued by a lot of distasteful double standards and there seems to be no deceleration to the rate at which they are occurring. Observed I have observed with keen interest how the world has been pushing for human rights, especially the rights of LGBTIs, the subsequent laws that have been passed in First World countries and how other nations are pushing for the same, and yes the support has been overwhelming. However, if a heterosexual person takes a decision not to get married and not bring any children to this world; people see everything wrong with that person. Supported Then you ask yourself that if LGBTIs are supported and accepted for making such choices, then why would a straight person be seen as not okay for choosing not to get married and have children? Another societal double standard I find distasteful is that of women willingly and proudly complaining about men, calling them all sorts of names like dogs, savages, and rapists, with no one seeing that as sexist and disrespectful. Yet the moment men take a swipe at women and call them similar descriptive names, the anger and outcry from women labelling men as sexists and chauvinists is unbelievable. Puzzling I am sure by now you’re already thinking of a host of other things that are puzzling yet we continue doing them. Ask any woman about polygamy and you will hear the most emotionally charged conversation you could possibly get. Women will forever wonder why it is all right for a man to have more than one wife yet it is not allowed for a woman to be polygamous. How do we fix all this amount of bigotry, falseness and double standards? Well, it seems it well-nigh impossible to fix everything but we can only try to speak to each other with a mirror. We also need to teach ourselves the art of correcting ourselves. S Jet Nhlangano