Times Of Swaziland: ASSIMILATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS ASSIMILATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS ================================================================================ The Editor on 10/01/2020 00:22:00 Sir, Thank you for allowing me space to reassure culprits of corruption that they will be found out. This, regardless the rank and department each imbiber consumes the people’s money. We will report corruption if any we see, we will speak out if we come across corrupt activities. We will expose publicly anyone siphoning petrol, money, documents etc from our government. A helpline through the newspapers has been given to us the public on which to expose corrupt activity of any kind and that is what we will be doing in the new year, 2020. We can’t have another year where money disappears and have our country left in hefty debts. Any little loophole where a leak of public funds is the order of the day we will report it and make it public through all media platforms. We should all work for our government with great honor and respect. We should all play a role in growing our economy. No one must fatten his belly through the public purse, in whichever office of government. No one must serve his own interest at the expense of the taxpayer who is forced to survive by only E1 a day. Phesheya Matsebula