Times Of Swaziland: IT’S NOW OR NEVER! IT’S NOW OR NEVER! ================================================================================ The Editor on 07/04/2020 02:19:00 Sir, The time to implement our decisions is not today, tomorrow nor in the near future but it’s definitely now. Nothing will emanate out of the blue and propel us to work on achieving what we consider as our ambition if the zeal doesn’t come from within us. Is it not true that procrastination is the thief of time? We procrastinate daily and end up conspiring about our failure to accomplish just a simple task. The more we have charisma the more enlightened we will become in as far as working towards our future is concerned. The only thing that will signal that we have achieved our dreams is simply revisiting what we initially wanted to do with our lives. Fulfillment Surely we will be in a position to tell whether we have progressed or digressed when working for it. I’m not trying to scare anyone if the fulfillment of your dream has not yet been accomplished. Don’t dare hesitate, start instantly and work towards achieving it. Life will give you as much as you have given it. Some of us have given up just because we are nervous of attempting new adventures. We eventually believed that what we have is enough; hence continuing working hard could be in vain. Once our conscience keeps on galling, we’ll develop unnecessary stress. No matter how happy we can be but we will never deceive the heart. The mind must not rest as it will rust! How long have we been reminded by our inner self that we don’t belong where we are? We have allowed the devil to deceive us. Excruciatingly Agony and pain have excruciatingly been the story of our lives. I doubt that we still care or at least bother about whether we are progressing or not. We can’t turn a blind eye on the fact that we stumble everyday, we take wrong decisions everyday and the terrible thing is we always prefer wrong company. No matter how astray we can be, there is always a second chance to correct our conniving behaviour. That is when we must utilise that chance to mould our ways, to change what maybe people had thought we would not achieve again. How nice to feel nothing, and still get good credit for being alive. This proves wholeheartedly that it is never too late to start and work for what our hearts desire. A dream without a vision is useless! Once you dream of becoming something but still can’t imagine or rather envision yourself in that particular dream, know that you are moving in circles. Harsh Time wasted is never regained. If we miss implementing our dreams now, days for achieving it are elongated. That’s very harsh! Not only are we going to regret postponing to start instantly but also our entire life will be in shambles just because we can’t have control over nature. Let’s take this fundamental initiative of commencing now and stop waiting. Nature can delay us in as much as people can. Start now because tomorrow might never come. Even if it comes don’t procrastinate because you are wasting time! Wakhe Simelane