Times Of Swaziland: We need new people in Parliament! We need new people in Parliament! ================================================================================ The editor on 21/08/2013 01:25:00 Sir, I am really disappointed to see all the former MPs being nominated as MPs again. Other Swazis need to be given a chance. It seems they are married to Parliament and it is only their death that will give other individuals in their chiefdoms a chance to go to Parliament. Some people have been in Parliament for 20 years. They have overstayed their welcome, it is time they went home as former Prime Minister Bhekimp said ‘ekhaya’. Can they kindly step down and give other Swazi citizens a chance to be in Parliament. It is clear that they have a lot to gain in Parliament and nothing to lose. I am worried about the term of Parliament. Does our constitution say anything about it? Heroes In the USA the president has two terms then he goes home. Here in Swaziland people are going for the fourth term. Bonkhosi akeninikete lamanye emaSwati ematfuba nabo badle, ngumona lo! We need some new blood in our Parliament. There are some other heroes and patriots that can take this nation to another level. They will say it’s the people who want them there but they have a will to refuse. Juliet Gugu Smith