Times Of Swaziland: SENIOR COP HUBBY THREATENED TO SHOOT ME, I WANT OUT - COP SENIOR COP HUBBY THREATENED TO SHOOT ME, I WANT OUT - COP ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 12/10/2016 01:26:00 MBABANE – “My husband, who is a senior cop, constantly threatened to shoot me with a service rifle.” This was disclosed by Sergeant Nombulelo Bhembe, who is also a police officer, when she narrated before Judge Qinisile Mabuza how she allegedly suffered abuse at the hands of her husband, Inspector Sicelo Freedom Dlamini. Bhembe, who holds the rank of a sergeant, now wants the court to declare their Swazi Law and Custom marriage dissolved. She disclosed this when she was being led in evidence by Advocate Mduduzi Mabila, who has been instructed by Linda Dlamini. Sergeant Bhembe alleged that the abuse started when they were staying together at Siteki Police Camp. “During our stay, he started being violent towards me and accused me of having extra-marital affairs. He would assault and insult me now and again and I reported same at work and to my in-laws,” submitted Bhembe. She said the abuse was unbearable that she even asked to be transferred from Siteki but this, however, did not happen. “One time, he assaulted me after I went to report to his mother that he was violent and abusive towards me. During the assault, he asked me why I was bothering his mother as she was diabetic,” she stated. During her submissions, Bhembe portrayed her marriage to the court as abusive and intolerable such that she openly declared that she was no longer interested in Dlamini. “Bekatsi nakangishaya yena sowemukele kutsi kusho kutsi Nkulunkulu wadala kutsi nakaba nemfati uyobomushaya,” said Bhembe. She alleged that despite being warned to desist from assaulting her, Dlamini did not heed the caution of the elders but continued to assault her.