Times Of Swaziland: CON MEN IN BANK UNIFORMS ON THE LOOSE CON MEN IN BANK UNIFORMS ON THE LOOSE ================================================================================ BY BONGUMUSA DLAMINI on 18/01/2017 07:36:00 MBABANE – Thieves and fraudsters are seemingly coming up with ‘believable’ ways to steal people’s money. A new trend used by the con men has already been discovered by the police, which is targeting people who have large amounts of cash to pay for school fees. What happens now is that the con men approach people who are already in queues to pay for their children in the next available teller in banks. The con men pretend to be bank employees and are willing to offer assistance as part of their upgraded ‘customer service’. Armed with a fraudulent stamp belonging to that bank, they are also dressed in T-shirts embedded with an emblem of that particular financial institution. They then offer to ‘quicken’ the payment process through requesting that you hand over the cash so that they can make the payment on your behalf. As such, a stern warning has been sent by police to the public to be on the lookout for such con men. This new trend has been exacerbated by the opening of the schools. As it is, parents are moving up and down buying uniforms while some are flooding banks to pay for their children’s school fees. The public has been warned to be very critical of the con men who could be easily mistaken for the bank employees. Superintendent Nicholas Jele, Head of the Fraud and Commercial Crimes Unit for the Hhohho Region explained that due to the fact that most people are impatient to stand in long queues and are always looking for shortcuts, thieves were now robbing them in places which are ideally known to be safe.