Times Of Swaziland: 7 ROB SUPERMARKET E1 500 IN DARING ROBBERY 7 ROB SUPERMARKET E1 500 IN DARING ROBBERY ================================================================================ BY SIBUSISO ZWANE on 11/02/2017 05:44:00 MFABANTFU – If armed robbers thought Swaziland was an easy target, they will have to think again after a gang of seven men was forced to abandon their getaway vehicle and escape on foot as police closed in on them. They had pounced at Mbikwakhe Kwik Save where they managed to steal E1 500. This robbery comes shortly after a gang of five South Africans was arrested in similar fashion after robbing ROB’s MTN Mahhala outlet of only E1 600. They also abandoned their vehicle and tried escaping on foot into maize fields near Mahlanya. They would later reveal in court that initially planned to Rob Autozone, which they believed had about E3 million. In yesterday’s incident, three of the seven were apprehended after a dramatic car chase while four are still on the run. The robbery seemed to have been well planned as a group of three men are said to have arrived and hassled a Mozambican national who had come to ask for change. This shortly before the seven men crammed in a white Toyota Tazz pounced. Mbuso Sihlongonyane, a security guard at the supermarket, said it was around 8:10am when the Mozambican national entered the store and asked for a change so that he could use the coin box. He said a few minutes later, while the Mozambican man was on the phone, three men surfaced from nowhere and argued with him over an alleged debt of a laptop they allegedly sold to him. Thereafter, the security guard said a white Toyota Tazz parked at the front of the store with about seven men inside. He said they alighted from the vehicle and joined the other three who were arguing with the Mozambican.