Times Of Swaziland: TRUCK DRIVER INSULTS BOSS USING ‘F’ WORD TRUCK DRIVER INSULTS BOSS USING ‘F’ WORD ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENII NDZIMANDZE on 14/02/2017 03:06:00 MBABANE – A truck driver at Long Distance Transport Swaziland (PTY) Limited has been suspended from work for among other things, allegedly using the ‘f’ word against one of his bosses. Michael Mphumelelo Dlamini is alleged to have said, “You not a f*** Swazi and you should watch out”. It is alleged that the truck driver had directed these words to Paula Heaney who is the company’s Operations Director. Dlamini has been slapped with five charges which include using derogatory language towards a senior member of the management, violence/threats towards the senior member and insubordination. In the first count, Dlamini is alleged to have on December 15, 2016 while at Long Distance premises in Matsapha, verbally abused Prigar Mhlanga in the presence of other employees and in the process disturbing the operations of the company. On the same day he is alleged to have physically attacked Mhlanga (Prigar) by pushing her while threatening her, causing another senior member of the staff ( Sabelo Mlambo) to intervene to contain the situation. Dlamini is said to have, after he was issued with a notice of suspension, allegedly refused to submit his trip sheet to Paula Heaney before vacating the company’s premises. Through his attorney Velaphi Dlamini, the truck driver yesterday moved an urgent application in the Industrial Court where he is, inter alia, seeking an order that his disciplinary hearing should start afresh. He also wants one Thulisile Nkambule to be removed from chairing his disciplinary hearing.