Times Of Swaziland: SWAZIS SAFE FROM SA XENOPHOBIC ATTACKS SWAZIS SAFE FROM SA XENOPHOBIC ATTACKS ================================================================================ BY BONGIWE DLAMINI on 02/03/2017 03:23:00 MBABANE – Considering all the tragedies that have happened in neighbouring countries, one may conclude that Swaziland is a lucky nation. First it was tropical Cyclone Dineo affecting mostly Mozambique and South Africa while Swaziland only got its minimal effects. Now it is xenophobic attacks against foreigners in South Africa and Swazis are yet again spared. SiSwati being one of the 11 official languages in South Africa qualifies Swazis as South Africans. The ongoing xenophobic attacks against foreigners in South Africa do not have an effect on Swazis residing there. According to some Swazis interviewed, the Swazis’ sociable nature also contributes to them being exempted from being a target of xenophobia. However, the Swazis living in South Africa have advised locals who will be visiting South Africa during this period to have their travel documents with them at all times to avoid possible victimisation. The SA-based Swazis said this is due to the fact that sometimes random roadblocks are staged to check whether foreigners are in the country legally. “If you don’t have the necessary papers and you find Afrikaner police officers conducting the roadblocks, they will ask you to bribe them just so you can get off the hook,” alleged the Swazi. Sometimes the police move from house to house, demanding to see every foreigner’s documentation, and when they do, they bring along South African Home Affairs officers.