Times Of Swaziland: TV’S MESSAGE SPARKS CHOAS AT MAPHUNGWANE TV’S MESSAGE SPARKS CHOAS AT MAPHUNGWANE ================================================================================ BY KHULEKANI NENE on 13/03/2017 07:41:00 MAPHUNGWANE – A meeting that was intended to restore peace at the volatile Maphungwane Chiefdom almost degenerated into violence when a small group that is disputing the legitimacy of the incumbent chief, threw stones at the Umphakatsi soon after a meeting with the Ludzidzini Council. The disgruntled residents were unhappy with a message delivered by Acting Ludzidzini Governor TV Mtetwa, who was leading a strong- member Ludzidzini Council, which included former Ministers Prince David and Chief Dambuza Lukhele. Armed police had to quickly intervene as the group, made up mostly of young people, pelted stones towards the royal kraal while standing outside its boundaries. The group vanished and hid in nearby homesteads as soon as the armed police officers approached. The situation returned to normal thereafter and officials from the Umphakatsi confirmed that nobody was hit by the stones that were thrown by the disgruntled residents. The group that threw the stones had moments earlier been part of the meeting in which Mtetwa delivered the message confirming the incumbent Maliwa Maziya, as the legitimate chief of the area. In his address, Mtetwa had said he was sent by ‘BakaNgwane’ to deliver the message following the instability in the area. He told residents that His Majesty the King had sent the Ludzidzini Council to enquire why there was ‘noise’ regarding the legitimacy of the chief because the chief had already been installed.