Times Of Swaziland: WOMAN SCALDS BABY, MUM WITH BOILING WATER WOMAN SCALDS BABY, MUM WITH BOILING WATER ================================================================================ BY JABULISA DLAMINI on 04/05/2017 03:07:00 LOGOBA – ‘She always insults me’. A woman together with her one- year-old baby girl have been left with terrible injuries after they were both scalded with boiling water by an allegedly jealous woman. Lokusa Gwebu (31) of Logoba said she had an argument with a woman, Fisiwe Hlophe, after she had allegedly belittled and called her,’inkhwishinga’-a slang word for a person who is dark in complexion. Gwebu alleged that the suspect always made it habit to insult and harass her, to the point that she (suspect) would even come to her house just to belittle her. “It all started in December where she accused one of my relatives of having a relationship with her lover. She made serious threats against me when I confronted her and I decided to report the matter to the police. The police said I could not lay charges against her as those threats were not at all serious. Despite the intervention by the police, she continued harassing and insulting me in front of other tenants and I always kept quiet,” Gwebu alleged. She added that on the day of the incident, on Monday, the two of them had another confrontation again, after Hlophe had provoked her and banged her burglar door. Gwebu said she had gone outside to ask Hlophe what her problem was when she bit her finger. “I became angry and assaulted her. We fought and were eventually separated by other tenants. I went inside the house, not knowing that she was plotting to scald me with boiling water. While seated near the door, with my child on my back, I saw her coming towards me, carrying two electric kettles.