Times Of Swaziland: TAIWANESE: WE SURVIVE ON BISCUITS, WATER IN PRISON TAIWANESE: WE SURVIVE ON BISCUITS, WATER IN PRISON ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 11/05/2017 03:45:00 MBABANE – “Ever since we were arrested and detained in Big Bend Prison, we have not been able to eat the food served here.” This was one of the submissions made by the two Taiwanese national who were arrested at King Mswati III International Airport after they were found with rhino horn pieces. Chen Beihsun and Chen Hao Hsiao were arrested on February 25, 2017, which means they have been languishing in custody for more than two months now. They have since filed another bail application at the High Court after the initial one was dismissed at the Siteki Magistrates Court on the basis that they were a flight risk. In their fresh bail application, the duo submitted that they were not used to the food that was served to inmates in the prison. “In the morning, plain bread and warm water mixed with sugar is served as breakfast. Furthermore, we are unable to sleep at night without the use of sleeping tablets,” submitted the Taiwanese nationals. The two further informed the court that during lunchtime, white rice with plain beans or watery soup and rice was served to inmates. “The food is not even close to a balanced diet and we both have no choice but to survive on biscuits and water, which we buy from the prison canteen on a daily basis,” alleged the accused. Beihsun and Hsiao contended that if their stay in prison was prolonged they would suffer from malnutrition and would continuously get sick due to starvation. According to the accused, they have raised several complainants to prison officials about the food and their inability to eat the specific meals served in prison.