Times Of Swaziland: ARE SOME MURDER CASES DISGUISED AS SUICIDE? ARE SOME MURDER CASES DISGUISED AS SUICIDE? ================================================================================ BY STANLEY KHUMALO on 12/06/2017 09:18:00 stanley@times.co.sz MBABANE – Has suicide become the new murder in Swaziland? This concern has been raised following the increasing number of suicide cases in the country, some of which border around murder. People said to have killed themselves are often found with bruises, giving the impression that they have been killed prior to either being hanged or a deadly pill being shoved down their throats. Bheki Mamba, President of the Swaziland Democratic Nurses Union (SWADNU) said suicide had become the best disguise for murder in the country. Mamba noted that masses were getting away with murder following that once they had killed an individual they either hang the deceased or force deadly pesticides down their throats. The unionist noted that what they experienced during the scope of their work left them with a variety of questions on whether that was a suicide or murder. Mamba said what usually unravelled the riddle was a post-mortem. However, he said not all suicide deaths ended up going through it. “When a person has committed suicide, for example, by hanging himself/herself, there are body parts that show that the individual first suffocated before eventually dying,” Mamba said. With that, he further pointed out that when a body reflected a fractured body part there were chances the death was not caused by suicide but it could be murder. In recent months, a high number of suicide cases have been reported; however, the families of the deceased disputed the allegations of suicide, suspecting that it was murder. Just last week, a woman was found with a fractured skull and swollen face, which in turn convinced her family that she did not commit suicide but was killed. The family of Seliwe Dlamini (30) was unconvinced after the police labelled their daughter’s death as suicide. Her family was adamant that she could not have taken her own life by hanging herself inside her lover’s house. This, they said, was reflected by the multiple injuries they saw on her face after being contacted by their daughter’s boyfriend using her cellphone. He had contacted them to inform them about the incident. Seliwe was found dead with a fractured skull, a swollen face and bruises. Also, her face was allegedly disfigured through what was suspected were fists and also a sharp object used.