Times Of Swaziland: HUMAN WASTE DUMPED NEAR HOMESTEADS AND BUSINESSES HUMAN WASTE DUMPED NEAR HOMESTEADS AND BUSINESSES ================================================================================ BY TIMES REPORTER on 18/09/2017 00:01:00 SIPHOFANENI – A public toilet with a dysfunctional sewer system has caused human waste to be deposited near homesteads and businesses at Siphofaneni town. This has placed the population of the rapidly growing small town at high risk of contracting diseases like cholera, typhoid and infectious hepatitis, which are common in areas with poor sanitation. The toilet is situated right at the centre of Siphofaneni town, behind the bus rank and next to eateries and other businesses. It had been functioning well for many years until its sewer pipes got blocked a couple of years ago, damaging the septic tank and causing human waste to overflow, residents said. According to the residents, instead of fixing the problem, the committee responsible for waste collection at the town took a shortcut. “They installed a pipe to the damaged septic tank to decrease the sewer and prevent it from spilling into the ground. However, the pipe they connected now deposits the human waste near homesteads and other businesses,” said a resident. Residents are not only worried about the risks of contracting diseases that are related to poor sanitation but they are also inconvenienced by the foul odour around their homesteads. Chris Mahoza, who resides right next to Siphofaneni bus rank and runs a welding business, is one of those who are affected. The human waste from the damaged septic tank of the public toilet passes along the boundary of Mahoza’s homestead. To prevent the human waste from getting into his yard, he has placed a heap of sand.