Times Of Swaziland: LAND WAS STOLEN FROM SWAZIS - CONVEYANCER LAND WAS STOLEN FROM SWAZIS - CONVEYANCER ================================================================================ BY MBONGISENI NDZIMANDZE on 02/03/2018 23:18:00 MBABANE – A conveyancer has observed that the Crown land was legally stolen from the Swazi nation. Crown land is said to be ‘owned’ by the King by virtue of vesting of land in Kings which was Order 45/1973. The expert, who requested that his identity be protected, pointed out that the disputed land between KaZenzile Community and the Khaya Trust was once under Crown land. However, it was legally transferred from being Crown land to a farm through the Concession Partition Act of 1907 used in taking the land from Swazis. He further noted the urgent need to revisit this Act as this was how many farms were deprived from the Swazi nation. Documents in our possession indicate that the land was sold by the High Commissioner for South Africa under the Swaziland Crown Lands Disposal Proclamation of 1911. The Commissioner sold two pieces of land to Rowland Winn (Farm 184) and Vernon Own King in 1907 (185). These farms were adjacent to each other. In 1909, Winn sold the property to Abraham Johannes Roberts who later disposed it to Willen Hendrik Scheepers on May 5, 1934 for 370 sterling pounds (E6290). On July 3, 1934, Scheepers instructed his lawyer Alexander Carson Cross to transfer the property to administrators of the estate of the late James Clarence Henwood in terms of his will. He also transferred certain pieces of land from Farm 185 and 186 for a sum of 930 Sterling Pounds, which is equivalent to E15 810, by yesterday’s exchange rate. From there, the farm was inherited by descendants of the late James Clarence Henwood until it was purchased by Thabo Ndlela on behalf of the Khaya Trust.