Times Of Swaziland: SIX BURNT IN DEEJAY, FRIEND’S BAR CLASH SIX BURNT IN DEEJAY, FRIEND’S BAR CLASH ================================================================================ BY LINDELWA MALINGA on 18/12/2018 02:20:00 MBABANE – A quarrel between a disc jockey (DJ) and a patron sparked a fire which left six people burnt. The six patrons at Don Killuminati Bar, popularly known as Killis, situated next to Ngwenya Border Gate, were set alight while inside the bar. Petrol was used during the incident which happened on Sunday night. Information gathered was that the DJ and his friend had an argument earlier on the day about garbage which had been picked up by the former. The friend asked his DJ friend why he was interested in doing another person’s job (picking up the litter) and they exchanged a few unfriendly words. However, all seemed to have been forgotten and the duo continued enjoying drinks with other patrons in the afternoon and late into the night. The DJ also went about his duties and dished out some music. Pool Other patrons were playing a game of pool while others mingled inside the bar. Late into the night at around 10pm, the DJ left the crowd and is suspected to have gone to purchase petrol at the nearby filling station with a five-litre container. Upon his return with the petrol, he stood by the door and poured it on his friend whom he earlier had an argument with. Other patrons who were close to the friend were not spared as they were also doused with the petrol. However, none of them thought much of it until the DJ lit a matchstick and threw it at his friend. Due to the fact that petrol is highly flammable, a majority of the patrons caught fire, resulting in six being seriously injured and rushed to hospital. Those who were not affected had to scramble for the door in a bid to escape the flames. Information gathered was that a truck driver who had come to buy some beers was the one who was badly burnt. “The truck driver ran outside the bar while engulfed in flames, towards the filling station. Fortunately, one of the fuel attendants saw him coming and rushed with a fire extinguisher to put out the flames,” one of the patrons stated. A woman, who was also burnt, was seen running around the complex where the bar is situated, in her underwear, crying for help according to some of the bar employees. This woman suffered burn wounds mainly to her arms. When the bar employees and other patrons went to check on the truck driver, his clothes were stuck on his body and they had to cut them off using a knife as his skin was peeling off. Witnesses stated that the truck driver was also burnt on the head. He is believed to be from South Africa and his truck was still parked at the complex where the bar is situated on Sunday afternoon. Others said the truck driver was resting and was supposed to travel yesterday (Monday) back to his country, as he had made his delivery. According to some of the bar employees, he had bought two beers, which he had mentioned he was going to drink in his truck before he slept. “None of the patrons who were inside the bar seemed to understand what was going on until it was quite late. Even the friend who was the initial target seemed oblivious of what was about to happen. He was heard saying people celebrating birthdays were irritating. He must have thought it was water that was poured over him. Unfortunately, the truck driver was too close to him, which is why he was severely burnt,” one of the bar employees said. Petrol After he had doused the patrons with the petrol, the DJ hitch-hiked his way to the Mbabane Police Station, where he informed the police of what he had done. Police then rushed to Ngwenya after the DJ had informed them of what had happened. Patrons at the bar also called the 977 emergency line, and emergency personnel responded promptly, and rushed those who were critical to hospital. Meanwhile, the owner of the bar, Dumisile Khumalo, said she was home when the incident happened. She said after being informed about it, she quickly rushed to the bar together with her husband. According to Khumalo, they found that the fire had been put out, but there was smoke which left the walls with black marks. “We were also shocked when we received the news. The accused is one of our DJs and we heard that he had an argument earlier on the day with one of the injured people. Two of the patrons were treated and discharged and the other four were admitted,” she said. Khumalo explained that they went to visit those who were burnt in hospital, because they were injured at their establishment. She said she failed to understand what got into the DJ’s head as he should have used his better judgement that petrol was a highly flammable liquid and other people would be injured. Khumalo mentioned that they were happy no life was lost in the fire and they would continue to check on those who were injured. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati confirmed the incident. Vilakati explained that they had the suspect in their custody and he would make a court appearance soon. “Our investigations led to information that the fire was started using petrol which was bought near the establishment. We are monitoring the recovery of the four people who have been hospitalised,” she said.