Times Of Swaziland: SEXUALLY ABUSED BY MUM’S FRIEND SEXUALLY ABUSED BY MUM’S FRIEND ================================================================================ BY PHIWASE PHUNGWAYO on 05/04/2019 01:01:00 MSUNDUZA - A 16-year-old girl lives a fearful, nomadic life due to alleged abuse by both her mother and a former UNESWA employee. This is the story of a Form II pupil in one of the schools in the Hhohho Region. The name of the pupil is known to this publication but will not be revealed to protect for ethical reasons. She ran away from home last Friday and went to a homestead at Msunduza in Mbabane, where she found a young woman and requested to sleep until the next day. The man who allegedly raped her is a retired University of Eswatini employee, aged 65. When this reporter arrived at the home where the pupil is currently staying, she was found with the owner of the home, her two children and their friend. “I was sexually abused by my mother’s friend. I informed my mother about it and the matter was reported to the Mantjolo Inner Council,” alleged the minor. She said before the alleged rape, she had been courted by *Fana (ex-UNESWA employee) on numerous occasions when she returned home from school. She confessed that she finally got involved with him, which they kept secret. Assigned The pupil alleged that her mother assigned her to go to her neighbour’s home to close the goats’ kraal. The minor alleged that it was then that Fana held and sexually violated her. Moreover, the minor disclosed that she told her mother about the incident. However, she alleged that her mother did not take her to hospital for any check-ups and said they would only report the matter to the inner council. She further mentioned that the council summoned Fana, her mother and aunt for a meeting to deal with the issue. Nonetheless, she stated that she was not part of the meeting as she was informed that she was a minor and the matter would be discussed by superiors.