Times Of Swaziland: CANNABIS SOAP SOLD AT CLICKS CANNABIS SOAP SOLD AT CLICKS ================================================================================ BY JOSEPH ZULU on 04/09/2019 01:04:00 PIGG’S PEAK – As parliamentarians debate on whether cannabis should be legalised or not for medicinal purposes, soap made from cannabis is being sold at Clicks Stores in the kingdom. Clicks Stores is a retail health care group which has been listed on the JSE (Johannesburg Stock Exchange). The group boasts over 853 stores according to information sourced from their website. The soap is marked ‘Men’s Hemp Seed Oil, deep cleansing charcoal massage bar’. Hemp also falls under the type of dagga known as ‘cannabis sativa’. Cannabis, which is locally referred to as ‘dagga’ is currently illegal in the country under the Opium and Habit-Forming Drugs Act as well as the Pharmacy Act. The laws make it illegal for anyone to sell, possess, cultivate or transport cannabis. The soap made from cannabis seed oil was found being sold at the shop last Friday and was displayed on a shelf where men’s products were on display. The soap retails at E63.29 per bar and noteworthy is that it was the only remaining hemp soap on the shelf, giving the impression that it was ‘flying off the shelf. Manufactured According to information on the soap, it is manufactured by a company known as Two Oceans and distributed by The Cape Town Toiletry Company based in South Africa. The information on the packaging stated that it contained ‘cannabis sativa seed oil’ among other ingredients.Unlike ordinary soaps which are easily accessible to children, the instructions on the packaging strictly state that the soap should be kept out of reach of children. When the Clicks Mbabane branch was contacted yesterday, an official stated that he would ask another appropriate person to call this reporter. The official who called back sounded surprised about the soap but said he would have to check. He later called back the second time and referred questions to Susann Caminada, who is the Clicks Spokesperson. Caminada, however, called before she could be contacted and advised that she would have to investigate the matter before commenting. Later, in an emailed response, she stated: “We are investigating the matter, and in the interim have withdrawn the product from the shelves”. Noteworthy is that the soap has a strong aromatic long-lasting smell. It is smooth on one side while the other side has bubble-like protrusions which give a massaging effect.