Times Of Swaziland: PIGG’S PEAK PUPILS ARRESTED FOR DAGGA PIGG’S PEAK PUPILS ARRESTED FOR DAGGA ================================================================================ BY JOSEPH ZULU on 09/09/2019 00:51:00 PIGG’S PEAK – While thousands of them prepare for the reopening of schools, two pupils will return to class with criminal records. A Form V pupil from Hereford High School was arrested for dagga weighing 1.45 kilogrammes while another from the Peak Central High (PCH) School was nabbed for being in possession of 17 grammes of the illicit substance. The names of the pupils will not be mentioned for ethical reasons. They appeared individually before outgoing Pigg’s Peak Principal Magistrate Joe Gumedze. The pupil from PCH appeared on Saturday for the offence. He said he was not aware that there was dagga in his possession, insisting that he does not use the illicit herb. The magistrate asked him what he used dagga for but he insisted that he had never used it before. He insisted that it may have belonged to someone, possibly a family member, but insisted it was not his. Sentenced The pupil was sentenced to two months behind bars or to pay a fine of E200. A relative who also appeared before the magistrate for dagga asked that his schooling brother should not have his fingerprint record taken. However, he was advised that according to the new law, the fingerprint record can be removed after he had served the sentence. The pupil from Herefords High School appeared before the magistrate yesterday. When asked what career he wanted to pursue upon completion of high school, he said he wanted to be a doctor. Pursue The magistrate wondered how he would pursue the career if he was using drugs such as dagga. He said this could impact on his career as a doctor because he may end up abusing the drugs in the hospital. The pupil was sentenced to two years behind bars or to pay a fine of E2 000. A relative who was also in court said he would pay the fine which he did later at the police station and the pupil was released from custody.