Times Of Swaziland: ST MARK’S SIVIWE DOES IT AGAIN ST MARK’S SIVIWE DOES IT AGAIN ================================================================================ BY PHIWASE PHUNGWAYO on 08/01/2020 23:34:00 MBABANE – She has done it again! St Mark’s top pupil Siviwe Mbonane did not only obtain third position in Grade VII exams in 2017 as she has done it once again in the Junior Certificate examinations. Siviwe attained a 90 per cent aggregate and became one of the excelling pupils in the country. When asked what her secret was, the soft-spoken pupil said she always set her eyes on the end result, which was attaining commendable results. Study Siviwe expressed that she would wake up in the wee hours, at around 4am, to study. She stated that she would also go to bed late. The diligent pupil said she would also study with her sister Fezile by posing questions to each other. The great results did not come easily as she said she sacrificed sleep, television and her phone to focus on her studies. Consistently attaining outstanding results would not happen without a motivating factor for Siviwe. She mentioned that her mother was one of her strongest pillars who supported her through prayer and words of encouragement. “She would always encourage and pray for me before and during the examinations. She also helped me with my homework,” Siviwe said. She also attributed her success to her teachers at the school, whom she said would give her confidence to tackle her school-Work with determination. The cream of the crop said she aspired to be a pilot and businesswoman.