Times Of Swaziland: REVEALED: E265M SPENT ON 2018 ELECTIONS REVEALED: E265M SPENT ON 2018 ELECTIONS ================================================================================ BY THOKOZANI MAMBA AND NTOMBI MHLONGO on 18/11/2020 00:42:00 MBABANE – The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) accrued an over expenditure of over E4 million for the 2018 national elections. The exact amount is E4 871 531. According to the 2018 National Elections Report released by the commission yesterday, government approved a budget of E260 322 630 for the national event. However, total expenditure was E265 194 161. EBC Deputy Chairperson Winnie Magagula released the report on behalf of the commission’s chairperson, Prince Mhlabuhlangene. In 2013, the commission requested a budget of E241 million to cover the entire election activities, however, government reduced it to E132 million, which was further reduced to E106 514 526. After the elections, government provided E33.5 million as a supplementary budget to cover elections expenditure, especially transport and personnel costs. “The approved budget for the 2018 national elections was E260 322 630 and was financed over two financial years. The budget for the 2017/18 financial year was E59 000 000 and that of 2018/19 was E201 322 630. The budget was based on the outcomes of the 2017 Tinkhundla Boundaries Report, 2013 national elections and the proposed initiatives to cover the gap from the initial E300 million budget tabled by the commission to government,” reads the report. It is reflected in the report that the commission under-spent by E487 310 on salaries and allowances from the initial E85 488 600 released by government. For travel and communication, the total amount spent stood at E5 343 518, while government approved E5 400 000. The variance stood at E56 481. In terms of professional services, the expenditure amounted to E71 830 900, while government had forked out E72 000 000 for this initiative. A surplus of E169 099 was recorded. Interestingly, a surplus of E13.59 was noted in the budget of consumables. Initially, government had approved E15 041 900, while the commission’s expenditure totalled E15 041 886. In durables, the commission utilised E11 293 489 from the budget of E11 294 00 approved by government. A variance of E510.55 was recorded.