Times Of Swaziland: BIASNESS IN ELECTION OF THOSE WITH PENDING CASES - PRINCESS BIASNESS IN ELECTION OF THOSE WITH PENDING CASES - PRINCESS ================================================================================ Sabelo Majola on 04/05/2023 13:16:00 LOBAMBA – Member of Parliament (MP) Princess Phumelele says there is a lot of biasness in the elections of legislators in as far as those with pending court cases are concerned. The Legislator submitted that some people who had aspirations to be in Parliament were denied that opportunity owing to issues that were either pending in court or were eventually decided. She said the biasness was that while there were some parliamentarians who had pending court cases; others were denied the opportunity to be in Parliament because of pending court cases or other incidents. “EBC should look into this matter and remove this biasness because it is putting them in bad light. Everyone should be afforded a fair opportunity to either participate in the elections or fulfil their desire to be a parliamentarian,” she submitted.