Times Of Swaziland: ‘No treats, just leave us alone’ ‘No treats, just leave us alone’ ================================================================================ BY NONTOBEKO TSHABALALA on 05/08/2013 05:11:00 MDUMEZULU – “Laba labasinika bomasthandane asebasiyekele bo.” When loosely translated this means ‘those offering us treats must just leave us alone’. Chief Kusa told his subjects yesterday to remain immune to the promises made by aspiring Members of Parliament and urged them to ensure their votes were free from external influence and pressure as this was the only way to keep the Tinkhundla system pristine. The chief kept his address short and stated that His Majesty King Mswati III had addressed the nation on Friday at the Royal Cattle Byre and he wanted people to remember His Majesty’s words. “Do not let down the people you vote for, when they need to bring back a report to the community you have to be available. It is the community’s responsibility to meet with the people they elect to offer advice and counsel,” he said.