Times Of Swaziland: Robinson Zeeman the most popular choice Robinson Zeeman the most popular choice ================================================================================ BY SIBONGILE SUKATI on 05/08/2013 05:21:00 EZULWINI - Businessman Robinson Zeeman was a crowd favourite as he was nominated for the position of Lobamba Member of Parliament. Zeeman was nominated at the Ezulwini Royal Kraal by a female. As his name was called out by the presiding officer, scores of people rushed to the registration table to show their support. Some had to be turned back because the required number of supporters had been met. Another popular candidate was Allan Stewart of Khula who was also nominated by a woman. The crowd burst into fits of laughter when Mandla Dvuba was nominated as MP. This was because a member of the electorate shouted “don’t elect him that man broke my TV”. However, Dvuba, during an interview after his nomination, denied ever fixing the electorate’s TV stating that as much as he was in the electronics business the person who had accused him of such was not one of his customers. The electorate was again entertained when one person was chosen to nominate an individual and a man in his 70s stood up and nominated himself.