Times Of Swaziland: WOE UNTO THOSE WHO WILL ATTACK REFS AT INGWENYAMA FINALS WOE UNTO THOSE WHO WILL ATTACK REFS AT INGWENYAMA FINALS ================================================================================ BY BHEKISISA MAGONGO on 02/02/2017 03:29:00 MBABANE – Woe unto players who will attack match officials on Sunday. In a rallying cry, Ingwenyama Cup Chairman Prince Hlangabeza was firm in warning players to accept the referee’s decision, especially because on the day there was a possibility of having His Majesty King Mswati III watching the final. This was said during yesterday’s Ingwenyama Cup final kit presentation ceremony held at SMVA Headquarters in Mbabane. “Here is your message, woe unto those who will attack referees on the day. We appeal for tolerance even if the decision does not favour you, given that referees are also human. Moreover, know that your behaviour will be on the spotlight because there will be His Majesty watching,” he said. He said unbecoming behaviour of attacking referees would not only affect the individual player or team, but will also show disrespect to the person of His Majesty,” he said. The sermon of tolerance was extended to spectators on the day. “You will find that someone has been short-changed by his or her lover on the day. And that he will end up coming to the stadium already disappointed. Those who sit next to that person should exercise tolerance given the circumstances he or she will be in at the time,” he said. The prince, who was in his jovial mood, urged the two cup finalists to raise the bar on the day. “Even if you know that you play good football, on the day we demand the standards to be raised even higher given the magnitude of the stage,” he said.