Times Of Swaziland: UYAYIFUNA NA! RESONATES WITH MAGIC OF THE SWAZIBANK CUP! UYAYIFUNA NA! RESONATES WITH MAGIC OF THE SWAZIBANK CUP! ================================================================================ BY LWAZI DLAMINI on 16/02/2018 19:17:00 Sports Editor (At Esibayeni Lodge) MATSAPHA – Words, like ghosts, often cast their shadow ahead of those who own them. You can either swim in their wisdom or drown in their foolishness. As SwaziBank renewed its ‘marriage vows’ with football for another three years – with a lucrative E7.8 million spread over three years at E2.6 million per year – at the plush Esibayeni Lodge here yesterday, it was heart-warming that the pay-off line of this year’s edition, ‘Uyayifuna Na!’ was coined by a Form IV pupil from the modest St Mary’s High School at Lobamba. Even more fitting that the national competition featuring 34 teams this year’s slogan came from a 22-year-old who attends a school based at the country’s traditional headquarters. Nobody could have put it with such alluring clarity than essayist Stephen Kinzer, who once said: “It is never wise to discourage youthful idealism,” By one stroke of genius, the SwaziBank Marketing Department headed by the vivacious Lindiwe ‘Lomagugu, Dolly’ Shongwe’s decision to open the ‘name-the-slogan’ competition beyond their plush offices, the young Ncamiso Dlamini wormed his way into not only history books but in the hearts of all true soccer fanatics with a slogan that resonates and dovetails in every way with the SwaziBank Cup in all its glorious 14 years of existence. Add the energetic Master of Ceremonies, Stalin Tsela, a SwaziBank branch manager at Simunye, who kept the audience in stitches with his humour and pelvis-gyrating moves on the podium, as he demonstrated the razzmatazz of the SwaziBank Cup, yesterday’s launch became a watershed moment for a tournament that has rightly earned a special place in the hearts of every respectable Swazi soccer fan. True to his name, Tsela seemed to ooze the same dexterity and eloquence of his dictatorial Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Communist leader namesake, Joseph Stalin, who ruled by terror during 1929 to 1953, transforming the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an industrial and military power. Talking of transformation, the modern Stalin in the form of Tsela, transformed a laid-back SwaziBank Cup launching ceremony in the early hours of yesterday into a lively event with his movements, demonstration and impressive marketing skills of the wonders of the SwaziBank products and the effects the tournament has on the Swazi nation.