Times Of Swaziland: MANDLA ABENEMANDLA MANDLA ABENEMANDLA ================================================================================ BY SANELE JELE on 27/09/2020 16:13:00 KASHALI – He was not only energetic but a people’s person. This was witnessed when close to 1 000 mourners attended the late Mandla Mdluli’s funeral. He was laid to rest at Kashali at Ngwane Park yesterday. The Master Of Ceremony Celucolo Mkhatshwa advised mourners before the start of the morning service that they should maintain social distancing. Noteworthy is that all mourners were sanitised at the gate and all wore masks. trying times Mkhatshwa and the community representatives in their short speeches thanked the community for showing support to the Mdluli family during these trying times. A portion of the mourners were made by over 50 artists from Oyama Kyokushin Karate of Eswatini Association (OKKAE) who were all dressed in their white karate gear.