Times Of Swaziland: Manzini vows to challenge FA on 16-team decision Manzini vows to challenge FA on 16-team decision ================================================================================ BY DUMISANI NTIWANE on 30/08/2013 01:36:00 MBABANE – The contentious 16-team saga is far from over as movers of the proposal the Manzini Regional Football Association (MRFA) is far from giving up. This is despite the fact that the football mother body, the National Football Association of Swaziland (NFAS) is expected to make a final and binding ruling on the mater once and for all after the second vote on Wednesday by NFAS delegates produced a stalemate. This was during the NFAS Extraordinary General Meeting held at the Royal Swazi Sun. “Even though the PLS may have been able to raise pertinent points on the matter when arguing their points, it is the manner in which the FA executive handled the whole matter that has not been satisfactory. “As an affiliate of the FA and one that made the proposal to increase teams to 16 in both the leagues, we were surprised to see the FA siding with the PLS yet the PLS is just another affiliate just like Manzini. The FA should have allowed the PLS to argue their own points and not take over on their behalf. As it stands, the FA is now the referee and player in this issue, which is clearly something we cannot allow,” a source at the MRFA said. The MRFA chairman, Phumuza Ntshangase, who is also a member of the FA executive said he could not hide the fact that his constituency (MRFA) was greatly disappointed by the manner in which the NFAS executive handled the matter. “We are still failing to come to terms with the manner in which this has been handled. However, as it stands, we believe that the initial proposal still stands because there was a tie on Wednesday during the second voting. “We are, however, still going to meet as an association, probably sometime next week where we will inform our members of the latest and then get feedback from them on the next step,” he said. Meanwhile, the NFAS Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Frederick Mngomezulu said they will issue out a statement before the end of next week.