Times Of Swaziland: MUTI BELIEFS TAKE OVER SWAZI SOCCER MUTI BELIEFS TAKE OVER SWAZI SOCCER ================================================================================ BY SHWASHWAZA on 01/03/2014 05:02:00 Eyi... Wadlala u-Chief... Wajaiva u-Chief... Wayitjukutja... Wadlala U-Chief... Lajikisa lecabane kwahlanya u-Chief... Wayitjukutja... Sangena Gazi singena with the hit song yayo i-Uhuru…singena on the first day of the new month, sisho yena March. We are in high spirits Gazi kwatise kutsi phela tilwane tiholile and it is time to invade ka-Make Uyangichaza, settle pending bills and sicale kabusha. Talking of starting afresh Gazi, tsine we are thinking perhaps this is an opportunity for kucala kabusha for our football after the despicable events of the week where muti literally took over Swazi football. Gazi this is a very sad moment for football and everything it stands for in this country. Phela we have always known kutsi our belief on muti surpasses everything on earth and as a result our national teams – in all levels – abodzindvwase nje. Which makes wonder ke kutsi if muti worked so much that our teams angagijima lonkhe lelive why is Sihlangu not scoring, never mind winning a game? Gazi ibuhlungu lentfo le no matter which side longakubuka ngayo. Teams spend time and a lot of money paying the moons (tinyanga) for some stupid stuff which they hope will turn a game in their favour. It’s sickness Gazi lesingati nanatsi kutsi ingabe siyolashwa yini. Others say it is an African problem, others say it is a world problem because nalekubo-Turkey teams perform some rituals ahead of games. But Gazi lelesikubone this week sekushwacisa lugogo. One of our crew members even vowed kutsi yena nje akayoze aphindze ayekuma-training ema-teams because ufuna kuba nemntfwana this year. That’s how serious it is Gazi. The week ke Gazi started with two gentlemen being caught red-handed digging up soil le-Police College and they claimed in court kutsi they had been sent by Mbabane Swallows officials. They never mentioned the names of the Swallows officials who had sent them and the ‘Birds’ have vehemently denied any knowledge of the boys themselves and nje bayamangala bona kutsi bangena kuphi kule-issue nje. Gazi, our sources le-Police College told us kutsi a Run-X vehicle le-silver grey was seen moving in and out of the gate le-Police College raising eyebrows hence the Leopard official atjela lama-recruits to keep guard of the pitch and indeed the two boys who have been convicted for trespassing and charged were nabbed. Tsine ke we wonder kutsi ingabe the boys bebafuna kuyohlanyela timbali yini and perhaps preparing for next year’s Valentine’s Day but our sources told us the trick kutsatsa tinyawo of the opposition niyobangcwaba nje. Yhiiiiiii... tiga temutsi Gazi. If that was not bad enough, our sources told us that one of the teams la-Ntabeni was shocked to find tigodzi next to the club house where a majority of their players stay. So Gazi, the soil theft akusiyo intfo lensha. Maybe ne Mbabane City Council has an alibi now, given the manholes nalama potholes lapho ungagcwaba inkhomo yonkhe lakhatsi ivele ngetimphondvo, that the poor state of the roads is not caused by never ending rains but it is soccer teams and soil theft that is causing the City Council CEO a headache of migraine proportions. As the rigmorale continued with the confusion regarding the venue for the game between Ingwe Mabalabala and Tinyoni, drama enveloped the Somhlolo National Stadium where the lights went off causing the abandonment of the game but as always tsine we were on the scene and discovered kutsi the padlock had been tempered with… actually bayiphula and then fiddled with the lights. So the lights were deliberately switched off, otherwise asebenta kahle nje ema lights aka-Somhlolo. Apparently the group of people who came to temper with the lighting system bafika at the Stadium ngabo 4pm and since they are not questioned bona they did the dirty work. Voila! So in the end it was not surprising seeing a top team official celebrating with the club fans after the game had been called off by Mbongiseni Fakudze. What was he thinking Gazi? Celebrating that a game never took place. That’s Swazi football for you. Siyabonga tsine! Yini ingayekelwa lebhola ngoba vele seyisehlulile ku-obvious... Sies mani!