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Tender Hands of the Decks

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Born Tatenda Mandaza but now famously known as Swaziboy Entertainment’s DJ Tenderness, this 17-year-old young man has taken the deejaying world by storm.

At such a young age he has already made a name for himself as the fast rising Hip Hop music DJ locally.
He goes to Waterford Kamhlaba where he has just finished his Form Five and will now be going into IB. He says he plays mostly Hip Hop because it the kind of music he likes and is the first genre he learnt to mix.

When he’s not at school he lives with his mother and step-father at Trelawney Park in Manzini, but during school days he lives with his grandmother at Nkoyoyo, Mbabane. With this interview Style brings you closer to the young spinner:
STYLE: How did you come up with your stage name?
DJ Tenderness (DT): It was given to me by a friend DJ B-52 who is now in Cape Town. He is actually the one who taught me how to deejay.

STYLE: For how long have you been deejaying?
DT: I have been mixing music since 2007.
STYLE: Where and how did you get started?

DT: My uncle in Johannesburg who owns a sound engineering company used to take me to his shows and that’s where I fell in love with deejaying and I started off playing in my room using a computer mixing programme called ‘Virtual DJ’. From there I started playing at school, parties, and on the radio programme ‘Powerful Spin-out’.  
STYLE: Was this your dream?
DT: It has been my dream for a long time.
STYLE: Does your family support you?
DT: They support me a lot, especially my step-father who bought me my deejaying equipment for which I am very grateful.
STYLE: How did you end up with Swaziboy Entertainment?
DT: I was spotted by DJ Tempt whilst playing at Club Super Rock during the Enjabulweni High School prom and he was impressed with my talent hence he invited me to play at Cafe de Flore during his birthday party. Actually, that was my derby performance at the club.

STYLE: How did you feel about this opportunity?
DT: It was a dream come true for me as I had wanted to be part of the stable after attending the 2008 24hour party where I saw many spinners playing.
STYLE: How has your stay with the stable been so far?
DT: So far so good. I have enjoyed every moment of it.
STYLE: How is your relationship with the other DJs?
DT: It’s really good as we always communicate and have no problems at all.
STYLE: Out of all your workmates, who is closest to you?
DT: Can’ say really, but I spend most of my time with Rekorder and Papz and I get along well with everybody.
STYLE: Who do you think is the best amongst you all?
DT: Everyone is good in their own way, they are all exceptional DJs.
STYLE: If you were not under Swaziboy Entertainment, which stable would join and why?
DT: I would say Big Fun Entertainment because they know their stuff.
STYLE: Who is your best DJ locally and abroad?
DT: Locally it is DJ Papz because he has been playing Hip Hop music for a long time and internationally, it is DJ Waxxy as he is Africa’s number 1. I also like DJ Culoe de Song because at such a young age, he has made a name for himself and also travelled the world.
STYLE: Which is your most memorable show so far and why?
DT: It is my first show at Cafe de Flore when I played during DJ Tempt’s birthday. The crowd’s response was amazing.
STYLE: How do you feel about playing in the 24hour party?
DT: That was another dream-come-true for me as it has been my goal ever since I attended the show in 2008.
STYLE: Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
DT: Having finished my University sound or electrical engineering degree and having pushed myself as a DJ as well as a producer.
STYLE: Away from deejaying, what else do you do?
DT: I spend most of my time on my phone, like 24/7 and I also watch a lot of TV.
STYLE: How do you juggle your school work with deejaying on weekends?
DT: During school days I do it every once in a while but I do it more during the holidays.  
STYLE: Thank you for your time.
DT: No problem.

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