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This should not be the last Youth Parliament

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I have followed the Youth Parliament with great interest. It always upsets me that our country takes much longer to implement good courses acceptable internationally, or, those that have been demanded by the public in general.
I have been impressed by the youth’s overall performance but had it not been the unconvincing selection criterion, the performance would have been much better. I by no means understand why the relevant decision makers have taken so long to inaugurate so good a course.

I have hopes that the whole exercise has exposed some realities about our country’s politics. Some are as follows:

1.  All levels of society discuss politics whether or not you give them the opportunity
2.      It is neither the age nor the high profile personality that makes a good politician
3.      Tinkhundla system of governance is by far failing to ensure that right highly competent members are elected which could result in a highly vibrant Parliament.

I do not wish to name names but it was evident that some of these pupils performed far better than paid Members of Parliament to whom politics is a daily serving. That on its own tells something about our politics.

I hope this has not been the last Youth Parliament as events are usually difficult to predict, particularly, when they are not part of Swazi culture. I also pray that a convincing selection criterion will be applied so as to help realise a more vibrant Youth Parliament.

I thank you

Musa Makhanya

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