Home | News | Step-grandfather sells home for only E45 000

Step-grandfather sells home for only E45 000

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MBABANE - A family of three siblings is still perplexed after their home was allegedly sold for a meagre E45 000 by their step-grandfather.

The step-father sold the home after alleging that his son-in-law failed to pay dowry for his daughter.

The *Shongwe siblings of Mshingishingini only discovered that their home had been sold about two weeks ago when their neighbours alerted them.

According to a source, the three were left with the home when their father passed away a few years ago. However, they could not stay at home as they were working in different places which were far from their home.


The father had three other children from another wife. The source said trouble for the three children began when the father of their erstwhile stepmother, who was only identified as *Zwane, decided to sell the home.

"*Zwane decided to sell his home because his two grandchildren wanted to enrol for tertiary education in South Africa yet there was no money," alleged the source.

Since the three did not stay at home on full time basis, the eldest of the three children *Sibusiso Shongwe only learnt of the sale when he had gone home for a visit.

He was alerted by the neighbours who also had recently learnt of the sale after *Zwane notified them that he would be bringing them their new ‘neighbour’.

Sibusiso is said to have approached *Zwane about the alleged sale of their home without their consent.


"*Tsabedze told him that his father never paid dowry for his daughter so he was entitled to the homestead," continued the source.

After realising that *Zwane was serious *Shongwe then went to the royal kraal to seek their intervention in the issue.

The area’s headman promised to look into the issue. Last weekend *Zwane, his wife and the buyer of the home as well as one senior officer from the Pigg’s Peak Regional Administration offices were allegedly spotted at the *Shongwe homestead. They were allegedly showing a certain Mabuza, the new home owner around.

The officer, the buyer’s friend, was suspected to be the agent in the deal as he was also from the same area with *Zwane .

When contacted the officer said he did not have any comment on the matter since he was neither the seller nor the buyer. He confirmed that they were spotted together with Mabuza because they were friends and did not see any problem with that.

"Go back to the person who told you about the story as he seems to know everything because I will not comment," he said.

He also told this reporter that even if the story was written he did not want his name in it because he was not the one selling the home.

*Their real names cannot be revealed pending investigations.

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